Anupama 27th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Anupama Gets Furious

Anupama 1st september 2023 Written Episode Update

Anupama 27th August 2023 Written Episode Update by

Now in the further story, you all will see that where Romil is walking, Adik pushes Romil and Romil falls to the ground. And Romil gets hurt and now Romil gets angry so Romil also starts hitting Adik. Now Romil and Adik have a fight and Pakhi separates them. At the same time, in anger, Adik also pushes Pakhi and Pakhi gets hurt on the head and blood starts coming out of Pakhi’s head. Anupama sees her pushing Adik.

And on the other hand, all of you will see where Baa is working inside the kitchen, only then do Kinjal and Kavya come there. Baa forbids her to work and Kinjal says thank you to Dimpy and says thank you very much for taking care of Pari yesterday. Then Dimpy tells Kinjal that she cannot see Pari crying and that Pari doesn’t judge me, she loves me. And others judge me. And now Anuj gets angry with Romil and Adik. Anuj says if you guys want to fight then go outside on the road and not in my house.

Then Romil tells Anuj’s uncle I did not fight with him but he came near me and he pushed me then I fell down and since yesterday he and his sister have been hurting me. If you don’t believe me, you can also ask Anupama Aunty. And Romil says that he can kill his wife so what am I? Then Adik says that it is my and my wife’s matter and it is a personal matter for both of us. In this, who is to speak in the middle? Then Anupama gets angry and Anupama tells Adik that it is not a personal matter. Now the same Anuj tells Adik and Romil that both of you go to your rooms.

Then Pakhi says that mummy these two were quarreling, so I was trying to separate them, then Adik got pushed by mistake. And my sandal was also stuck. So I bumped into the table instead of the sofa and that’s why I got a head injury. Now you will see that when Baa and Bapu Ji come home from the market, they see Dimpy straightening her sofa. That’s why Bapu ji asks Dimpy if his son is going to come. Is it then that Dimpy says that my college friends are coming? Samar is going to work when Dimpy asks Samar to give him some money. My friends are coming for the first time so they will have to have tea and breakfast.

And Baa says why do you need to order food from outside. You could make it at home too. If you could not do it alone, you would have told me. I would have helped you. Then Dimpy says that you should only help me that you do not open your mouth in front of my friends. And now you will see where Anupama is telling Pakhi that I have seen myself that Adik pushed you. Then Pakhi says that Adik didn’t push me but cheated on her.

That’s why Anupama gets angry and Anupama tells Ankush that Ankush brother, you should make arrangements for Romil’s stay somewhere else because whatever happens, happens because of Romil, and see today because of Romil, Paakhi got hurt on her head. Went. Then Pakhi says that it is not Romil’s fault but Adik pushed her in anger. Then Anupama tells Ankush that Ankush bhai you have now taken care of Romil. Anupama also tells Barkha that sister-in-law, you also take care of your brother and explains.

And Anupama tells Barkha that I am not Pakhi and I am her mother. I will not tolerate it at all and I will throw Adik and Romil out of the house at any time. And now Adik is getting angry with Pakhi and says that you have complained about me to your mother. Then Paki says that I have told the truth to mummy. I haven’t complained about you. Otherwise, she would have thrown Romil out of the house. Now you will see that when Anuj and Anupama are going to the office, then Anupama says that something has to be done, otherwise one day or the other, one of them will get hurt.

Read More. Anupama 26th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Pakhi Makes a Request

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