Anupama Written Update 22nd July 2023: Summer’s death.

Anupama Written Update 22nd July 2023

Now in the story ahead, you all will see where Guru Maa closes down Anupama’s dance academy. And on the other side where Anupama goes to Guru Maa to apologize to Guru Maa. Guru Maa tells Anupama that she has come to apologize. You will do whatever I say, only then Anupama say yes.

And on the other side where all the family members are very upset and Bapuji speaks. And Vanraj tells Bapuji that the dance academy will be closed and they are saying that without a license, this academy cannot be run.

That’s why Ba says whether all this has been done by Malti Devi or not. And Baa says why this academy is closed now. Why hasn’t it happened before? We should talk to Anupama about this. And on the other side where Guru Ma asks Anupama to dance and gives anklets Anupama to tie on her feet. And Anupama starts dancing.

That’s why Nakul tells Guru Maa that Amba you are insulting dance. You are not punishing Anupama. And there Ankush tells Anuj that he has spoken to Anupama. Then Anuj says that Anupama has gone to apologize to Guru Maa. Now Guru Maa is not giving any punishment to Anupama.

And there, Ankush tells Anuj that we all know how Anupama is, she will accept every punishment from her guru maa. Then Anuj says that he does not know what Anupama will have to bear. And brother on the other side where Vanraj says that Anupama was not picking up the phone so I called Pakhi. Then Pakhi has told that Anupama has gone to Gurukul to apologize to Guru Maa.

Then Baa says that Anupama should not have gone there at all. And Ba says that Guru Maa’s heart is so small that she has come down to take revenge. And on the other side where Anupama gets tired of dancing. And Anupama falls at the feet of Guru Maa. And Anupama says sorry to Guru Maa again and again.

That’s why Guru Maa tells Anupama to get up. And Anupama gets up and starts folding her hands in front of Ghuma. That’s why Guru Ma says that you still need forgiveness. Then Anupama says that yes I want forgiveness at any cost.

And Anupama says that no matter how much you test me and whatever punishment you give, I need your forgiveness. And Anupama says I will do anything for your forgiveness Guru Maa!

That’s why Guru Ma said, really you will do anything for my forgiveness, that’s why Anupama says. Yes, then Guruma says that I will forgive you and I will also hug you. Then Anupama says. If you speak, your every word and every condition is acceptable.

And Anuj repeatedly calls Anupama. Then neither Anupama picks up the phone nor Nakul picks up the phone, nor does anyone pick up the phone even in Gurukul. And now all the family members get very worried for Anupama. And only then Pakhi tells Anuj that I am very scared for my mother. Then Anuj explains to Pakhi and says don’t worry Pakhi everything will be fine.

Then Barkha tells Adik that it is good that Anuj is busy with Malti Devi. We have got a chance to hide our mistakes. And there Anuj tells Ankush that I should not have let Anupama go alone. Then Ankush says then go now, then Anuj says that Anupama will not like it and she left after refusing me.

And on the other side where Guru Maa will be seen reprimanding Anupama and will say that there are crores of women in this country who do not get this opportunity and die working in the four walls of the house.

And you got a chance but you have broken the hope and trust of millions of women and Guruma says that according to me you should not even be given a chance to apologize. And Guru Ma says to Anupama that seeing your stubbornness and your efforts, I will give you a chance.

That’s why Guru Maa says that you have forgotten art for the sake of relations and I want you to forget relations for the sake of art. And Guru Ma says to prove that art is most important and first for you.

And Guru Maa tells Anupama that tomorrow morning you will come to Gurukul after calling all your relations and remember only Gurukul and not anyone else. Then Anupama is shocked to hear this from Guru Maa and Anupama’s face turns pale.

That’s why Guru Ma says that for whom you have forgotten your art and if you have forgotten me then how can you forget them? Your love is great for you. And Guru Maa says that when you cannot leave her then how will I forgive you and I will give you much more pain than the pain you have given me? And on the other side where Guru Maa says that you have defeated the art of my Guru. Now I will defeat your affection.

Then Guru Maa gets angry with Anupama and holding her hand throws Anupama out of Gurukul. And tears come to Anupama’s eyes. And then Anupama gets a call and says come home soon

Read More. Anupama Written Update 21st July 2023: Anupama will apologize to Guru Maa.

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